Thursday 13 October 2016

Episode 2 - Realization

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Three weeks after the Master's death, few miles away from the Monastery.

I had been meditating and trying to focus my energy since last two weeks. I wanted to get over that incident but instead, I started getting more visions and voices. At first, I didn't understand the meaning of these but then slowly they started making sense as my mind started to settle down. Those visions were the sequences of the similar phenomena as mine. One day, as I was meditating, I heard my master's voice again,
"Master? Is that you? I thought you were dead"
"Death is just for physical body. Psyche can never die my son. I had transferred all the Chi from the Ball of Souls to your body. Now my Chi also lies within you! Use it wisely my son. Have your focus!"
"But what should I use it for?"
"Gather all other's like you. All the portals in the world have busted and transferred into the humans. You need to find these humans. The visions in your head are about these people. Find them! Find t..."
My meditation broke because of a loud noise and master's voice faded away but this was not the last time I heard his voice. Later, I figured out I needed to be in right state of mind to communicate with the master.

Three days later...

It had been three days since I had talked to master and instead of getting answers to all my questions I was getting more questions in my head. I had been meditating for long hours since last three days and I was unable to reach master. But three days later, there was a storm approaching, I acquired shelter in a village and sat for meditation. It took some time but I did hit the right frequency.
"Veda, you are getting good at this"
"Master? I have so many questions"
"Patience, You will get the answers when the time is right"
"How do I find these people? and there would be so many people around the world who may have been hit by the portal, I cannot find all of them!"
"Son, Listen to me carefully. Once I was walking with my master along the banks of a river. Suddenly we saw hundreds of fishes outside the river, along the banks. My Master ran up to the fishes and started to put them in river one by one. I told him that there is no chance we will be able to save all of them! To which he replied with a fish in hand and smile on his face, but we will save this one"
"Yes master, I get your point"
"Good, now you need to go out there and get to work. We have lot of work to do..."

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