Saturday 17 December 2016

Change to our blog approach!!!

Heres whats changed

- Hey guys, we would like to inform you that we are change our story from Third person to First person, i.e Veda's introspection.

Due to some issues , there might be a delay of the episode 4, you know we want to give you guys breathtaking content, so expect the episode 4 anywhere in this week....Sorry again!! I promise to make your time worthwhile in episode 4. 

Sunday 11 December 2016

Episode 3 - Jakhi

Previous Episode

© Sudeep Lunawat and Parth Bhatt

It was all red. A canvas of lifeless blood. A yellow dot emerged slowly.It moved downwards gradually making a trail which resembled a flinched jawline. The dot occasionally went astray from its path, giving birth to wrinkles and blemishes. It continued its journey , creating ear, forehead ,eyes, nose and hair. The eye lashes, the eyebrows were all so familiar, but yet so distant. It was a face, projecting anger. The eyes held a sinister look, filled with creed, all red. The most daunting thing was……it was the face of Master, Veda’s Master. It was’nt all.Something peeped from the side. It was a silhouette, possibly of a girl. It seemed as if it was trapped behind the red canvas. It came to the centre. The silhouette plunged in the red canvas, as if struggling to get to the other side. “sbaey praan tapai baadh huneech” came a voice, from the silhouette it seemed. “Get up, you will irk all of them”……..”Dont disturb them, wake up”. Something slapped Veda. He woke up with a gasp. It was a girl. She bore an anxious look and wore nothing else but a ill-fitting pink kurta without the pyjama. She was covered with dirt all over.“Your thoughts, dreams. sleep….they liberate them.” she spoke in an agonising voice. “Who?” asked veda. “The souls of the tree” said the girl. She pointed towards the Banyan tree under which veda was sleeping. “Every root of banyan tree gives solace to a soul. They rest their, dormant, untill they are awakened by some thought or dream or determination of a human…” she said “….Then they all start searching, for purpose, and come to me,my cave, my pond and provoke everything, destroy themselves”. “Who are you? What…why” interrogated veda.”You are too erratic for a monk” said the girl.
In the last 5 minutes, an unknown girl had slapped veda and accused him of being a haphazard monk. This was new, even for a tranquil monk. But, before he could summon his honour back, he saw the girl’s face. White, pale, terrified. She looked familiar. Her body, her hair, those hands, those fingers reminded veda of someone, something. She was the girl in the silhouette. “I should never leave the cave, but I left it” She shrieked. There was something eerie about her shrieks. As if the cave meant everything to her.“ Dont cry. Dont worry. You will be back in your cave.” consoled Veda. She fell on the ground crying. Her kurta now disarranged, inner thighs visible. Veda shied away from the view. “Where is your cave “ he asked. Her cry now subdued to a sob. She pointed in a direction. Veda looked at her, it was all lucid now. She was the girl in her dream. Master’s signal, his destiny.He had to know more about her, about the cave, about ‘him’. He saw her hand, a red mark of an oak tree scribed with blood. She was of shamanic descent, an ancient Nepali tribe. But why was she alone?. His eyes went to the girl’s thigh. It had severe burn marks. “how did that happen?” asked Veda. “It punished me” “who?” “The cave. Whenever the souls come, I get punished.”. She hugged Veda tighly. “It felt that you were him. Thats why I came here. But your not” she said. “who?” “The one who enslaved me.” “who are you?” “He called me Jakhi. I protect the cave”

Thursday 13 October 2016

Episode 2 - Realization

<Read Previous Episode>
Three weeks after the Master's death, few miles away from the Monastery.

I had been meditating and trying to focus my energy since last two weeks. I wanted to get over that incident but instead, I started getting more visions and voices. At first, I didn't understand the meaning of these but then slowly they started making sense as my mind started to settle down. Those visions were the sequences of the similar phenomena as mine. One day, as I was meditating, I heard my master's voice again,
"Master? Is that you? I thought you were dead"
"Death is just for physical body. Psyche can never die my son. I had transferred all the Chi from the Ball of Souls to your body. Now my Chi also lies within you! Use it wisely my son. Have your focus!"
"But what should I use it for?"
"Gather all other's like you. All the portals in the world have busted and transferred into the humans. You need to find these humans. The visions in your head are about these people. Find them! Find t..."
My meditation broke because of a loud noise and master's voice faded away but this was not the last time I heard his voice. Later, I figured out I needed to be in right state of mind to communicate with the master.

Three days later...

It had been three days since I had talked to master and instead of getting answers to all my questions I was getting more questions in my head. I had been meditating for long hours since last three days and I was unable to reach master. But three days later, there was a storm approaching, I acquired shelter in a village and sat for meditation. It took some time but I did hit the right frequency.
"Veda, you are getting good at this"
"Master? I have so many questions"
"Patience, You will get the answers when the time is right"
"How do I find these people? and there would be so many people around the world who may have been hit by the portal, I cannot find all of them!"
"Son, Listen to me carefully. Once I was walking with my master along the banks of a river. Suddenly we saw hundreds of fishes outside the river, along the banks. My Master ran up to the fishes and started to put them in river one by one. I told him that there is no chance we will be able to save all of them! To which he replied with a fish in hand and smile on his face, but we will save this one"
"Yes master, I get your point"
"Good, now you need to go out there and get to work. We have lot of work to do..."

<Read Next Episode>

Saturday 8 October 2016

Episode 1 - A New Era

Two months back... Somewhere in the mountains of Himalayas...

"It is time"
"For what master?"
"You have learnt enough from me now. You are ready for what is about to come"
"Master, I don't understand. What is about to come?"
"About 100 years back, I was led here by my destiny to learn this mystic art. During my training, my master intimated this prophecy many times that my end would bring a new beginning. The time has come, my end is near"
"But what would be the new beginning? What is on the other side? What am I ready for? I cannot face it without you"
"Patience! My son, Patience! You cannot learn anything from me now. Your next Master will be Time. You will have to go out and find others like you"
"Others? All the people like me are in this temple. That is the reason I came here, searching for others like me. Who should I find after going out? Master you cannot leave me, I have so many questions"
"You will learn my son, you will learn".

Saying this, master passed out and I stood there with watery eyes. Since it was after sunset, the after life rituals could only be carried out after the sunrise. His body was taken to the Holy Temple of Souls until sunrise. I could not leave him, it was my last night in his physical presence. I stayed in the Temple of Souls till sunrise thinking about the conversation we had right before his death. "What did he mean by the new beginning?","What is about to come?", "How do I go out of the Temple?", "What is my role in all this?" Thoughts like these deprived me of sleep.

Lost in these thoughts, I didn't realize when the whole night passed and the first ray of sunrise entered the Temple. This ray of light was different, the sky was completely clouded and only this one ray of light hit right through the door of the Temple and struck the mystic ball. I never got to know what was in that ball and why it always kept levitating, but I was about to find out. The ball floated and came above the masters body. While my mind was still busy, figuring out what was actually going on, I heard a familiar voice.
"Yes Veda, I am about to leave. You need to listen carefully. The world is about to change in few moments and so are you. This phenomenon is happening all around the world. The world will never be the same after today."
"Master? But what is going to change? What is happening? You never spoke like this before and suddenly you left your body!?"
"Listen to me, I don't have much time to explain. There are many energy portals around the world waiting to open since thousands of years. These portals were formed over time due to different reasons. One of those portals is this Ball of souls. This was formed over time as the masters of this Temple started preserving a part of their Chi in this Ball before their death. I am about to transfer my complete Chi in this Ball. You need to harness my Chi and Chi of all other masters against what's about to come"
"Master, this is too much to take!"
"You will learn!" Saying this, the voice faded out and the whole Temple got filled with light. I was unable to see anything. The Holy Temple of Souls just disappeared as if it had never existed. This was too much to take. I didn't understand anything about what was going on. Except for that one morning with a dead man's voice talking to me, nothing much had really changed, at least with me. I left the monastery after this incident. But the world had surely changed!